Wednesday, 3 June 2015

good/bad teacher essay

Good/ Bad Teacher Teachers can be loving, involved, and caring. But some can be unfair and egotistical. A good teacher should make her students excited to come to school each day. A good teacher should respect her students, make them feel comfortable in the classroom, and be consistent. A good teacher will make their students comfortable. They will not snap back if a student asks a question. If they do, the student tends to not ask more questions. Then that causes them to fade out. Students like a teacher's room to be bright and full of projects or artwork that they have done. It gives the room a positive/happy look. A teacher should never discipline the students to the point to where they are afraid of her. That makes them not open to class discussion and other things. Good teachers, who really understand and relate to there students are those who listen. The case of the discussion shouldn't matter, whether it is personal, school problems, or something else. A teacher should make herself open to discuss personal problems with the students. It lets them know that the teacher wants to do more with them than write things on the chalkboard. The teacher should let the kids know they have someone to talk to. When they do this, it makes the student-teacher relationship more open and brings them closer. Good teachers don't jump to conclusions and gives the kid a chance to tell their side of the story. A good teacher should also be consistent, it MOST ways. A good teacher is consistent in being organized, grading, and treating the students equally. None of the students should be treated differently just because the teacher knows them on a personal basis, of if the student is better looking. But some teachers are so consistent, it's a bad thing. For example, teachers shouldn't always have the same format in how they teach. They shouldn't speak in the same monotone voice or conduct class in the same way everyday. .

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